
The spine is one of the most vital parts of the human body. The 3D Spine Simulator allows you to view what organs are affected by specific vertebrae in the spine
Upper Neck, Upper Cervical Spine (C1 - C2)
• C1 - Brain, the pituitary gland, the scalp, bones of the face, the inner and middle ear
• C2 - Eyes, optic nerve, auditory nerve, sinuses, mastoid bone, tongue, forehead

​Mid/Lower Neck, Cervical Spine (C3 - C7)
• C3 - Cheeks, outer ear, face bones teeth trifacial nerve
• C4 - Nose, lips, mouth, Eustachian tube
• C5 - Vocal cords, neck glands, pharynx
• C6 - Neck muscles, shoulderes, tonsils
• C7 - Thyroid, Lungs

Middle Back, Thoracic Spine (T1 - T12)
• T1 - Thyroid gland, shoulder bursa, elbows
• T2 - Heart including its valves and arteries
• T3 - Lungs, bronchial tubes, breasts
• T4 - Gall bladder & common duct
• T5 - Liver, solar plexus, blood.
• T6 - Stomach
​• T7 - Pancreas, Islets, duodenum
• T8 - Spleen, diaphragm
• T9 - Adrenal or supra-renals
• T10 - Kidneys
​• T11 - Kidneys, ureters
​• T12 - Small intestine, fallopian tubes, lymph

Lower Back, Lumbar Spine (L1 - L5)
• L1 - Large Intestines or colon, inguinal rings• L2 - Appendix, abdomen, upper leg
• L3 - Sex organs, ovaries or testicles, uterus

Bladder, knee
• L4 - Prostate, low back muscles, sciatic N
• L5 - Lower legs, ankles, feet, toes, arches

Sacrum and Coccyx
• SAC - Hip joints, buttocks, rectum, anus